At the Language Center, we continue to prepare for the Language Fair on March 16th. Today I went to two of the local High Schools to make the announcement of the Essay Contest that will be in conjunction with the Fair. The contest is for 4th year English students in the High Schools of Kumanovo, Gostivar, Tetovo and Skopje. There will be a winner from each of the cities, who will receive a 200 Euro prize, their teacher will also receive a 50 Euro prize. First we went to Kiril Pejkinovikj and then it was the Medical High School, Nikola Stein. I did not stay at either long enough to make a great comparison to the High Schools I know in America. But the students were very similar! At both schools we sat with an administrator to introduce them to the contest, and then spoke with English teachers who would be the ones assisting in carrying it out. I am looking forward to reading their essays!!
Kiril Pejkinovikj |
The Medical High School is the white building |
Lesson: Differences can not always be noticed on the surface unless you are told what to look for.
Sound very interesting... And.....100 Euro... Not a bad take home!!!!