Home from DC

     I have made it home from the great city of DC!  It really was a wonderful week.  After running through the Memphis airport so as not to miss my connecting flight in fear I would have to sleep in Memphis, I am pretty tired today.

     I have to admit that the best part of the week was meeting and talking to the other grantees current and returning.  The amount of knowledge these people have to impart is exceptional!  I met Lizzie, Cassidy, Daniel, and Naum who will also be Fulbrighters this year in Macedonia.  Getting to start these relationships now will really pay off once in country!

First things to do on the VERY long To-Do list:
- find waterproof shoes
- get some really warm boots
- buy some good warm undergarmets
- start to think about creative packing - 2 suitcases... 10 months... 

Pre-Departure Training in DC for Europe and Euraisa Fulbrighters

It's Thursday night, and I have been in DC since Sunday.  In the past 4 days I have gone from not really having many questions about this upcoming adventure because I didn't know what to ask... to having so many questions and having them all answered!  I now have a to-do list longer than the Stickies application allows for one screen shot... but to be honest I would rather that than not knowing what to do next!

This has been a great week. Not only have I been given so much great and useful information I have gotten to meet some really amazing people!  The first 3 days were for the ETA (English Teaching Assistants). We were trained on teaching techniques and lesson planning.  The information was very useful and necessary, but having been a teacher for 6 years it was a bit redundant for me.  However I learned some great listening activities!!  This is where I got to officially meet Lizzie who will be an ETA in Macedonia as well.  We were roommates which made it really easy to get to spend time with her and get to know her!

Wednesday evening through Friday (tomorrow afternoon) brought orientation for the rest of the student researchers and scholars going to Europe and Eurasia.  Sitting at breakfast Thursday morning I was reminded of what a small world it is! We were mingling with other Fulbrighters and began talking with one of the scholars, he was asking us about our grants and home towns, when we asked him where he was from he said, UNL. My eyes got big and I said, I am from UNL!  The world got smaller when I realized his wife teaches at the elementary school I student taught at and attended as a child. SMALL WORLD!  The rest of the sessions brought great practical and logistical information not only about the Fulbright program and grant we have received but also about our destination countries.  Former scholars and students who have just returned where here for questions and information sharing.  What great resources these individuals were and I know will be in the coming year!

Hotel View: Washington Historical Society


After an hour on the phone last night and another hour on the phone today, I have my flights booked to Macedonia!  Who knew that United Airlines had one of the most tacky "hold songs" I have ever heard!  Really the song wasn't so bad, it was the quality of it that made my ears want to bleed.  It sounded like they had it on full blast, and that the person playing it on the other  line was going through the hills of western Nebraska.  I would have thought it was my phone, but when I spoke to people, the reception was fine.  I don't want to sound like the experience was all horrible, the people on the other end were very kind and helpful, I just could have SERIOUSLY done without the music!

Anyway-  I will be leaving from Lincoln Airport (which was actually cheaper than leaving from KC or Omaha... weird I know).  My flight is to leave at 5:45 AM, Monday September 12th.  From there I will fly to Chicago, then to Pittsburgh, and then Washington DC where I will board the pond hopper for Vienna, Austria which will be a flight of over 4,400 miles!  In Vienna I will board a plane flown by Austria Airlines that will take me to Skopje, Macedonia!!!!  Mind you it will September 13th by this time :)

Once in Skopje, I will have to check in with the Embassy there to let them know I have arrived, how long I will be staying and start my application for a Visa.  In Macedonia you can be in the country for 90 days before needing to have a Visa. 

Booking my flight has really made this all feel much more real! I now have a date that I will leaving. I am really excited for this adventure!  Right now the hardest thing for my typeA personality traits is making sure I have everything planned and ready... Several things like cell phone service, an international bank, all can be taken care of with the university when I arrive, however its hard to not be able to cross those type things off the long To Do list :)