The preparations for the Language Fair are continuing. Today brought the actual essay contest in Kumanavo, Gostivar, Skopje and Tetovo. Professors from the Language Center went to the different cities to proctor the contest. The students from Tetovo were hosted in one of the Lecture Halls on the campus of SEE-U. 94 students from Tetovo participated, and all together there were well over 175 students participating in the 4 cities combined. I tried to put myself into their shoes… but it wasn’t really possible. I was a high school student, but other than that my life experiences are vastly different than theirs. I was not a high school senior who spoke at least 4 languages, I didn’t live in a developing country whose independence is only slightly older than the students themselves. I don’t know what it feels like to participate in a contest where I could, if picked, bring home what some parents take home as their monthly income (200E). I should explain why I say some, there are parents who bring home more money than that, but there are also a significant number of parents without jobs…depending on the community for exact percentage, but at least 30% don’t have jobs. So I really can’t put myself in their shoes. I hope that each of them was filled with pride for themselves as they wrote today. I also hope they know, that even if not selected as the winner, they have already won, they completed an essay competition in what is their 2nd or 3rd or 4th etc. language. These students are part of the future of Macedonia. Getting to be a part of this process was rewarding for me.
Walking the aisle during the contest |
Writing |
more writing.... |
The proctors at SEE-U
Lesson: I knew before, but I am reminded again, knowledge is power, and language knowledge is part of that.
What a fantastic opportunity for the youth of Macedonia!!!! BUT... Where are your rulers to slap the hands of the cheaters??? LOL