Day 152 – Friday 2/10/12

More snow… more reading of theses and dissertations… but no school!   The snow has picked back up – but Lizzie and I stayed indoors for the day.  We did however decide to venture out for dinner!

We went to the new restaurant in the center – the same place that I had gone last week with Linda and Artan.  We started with yummy salads that we shared.  I have to say that sharing food is really a great invention in the world of ideas… you get to try twice as much food!!  Dinner for me was a baked chicken breast with a cream and mushroom sauce with grilled vegetables… super tasty!  The food here really is wonderful!   I get hungry for it just writing about it and posting pictures of it!  I will be bringing home some recipes FOR SURE. 

One of the salads we tried- tomatoes, balsamic dressing and parmesan cheese
Chicken with mushroom sauce
After dinner coffee
After dinner we went out into the heavily falling snow… and took some pictures.  I saw my first snow plow- Dad had asked me how they plow the streets and I didn’t have a solid answer, but now I can say with complete confidence it is done with big tucks with scoops on the front, very similar to what we see at home!  The drivers are not that much different than at home in the snow as well- you have some people very cautious who drive slow, and you have others that fly around like they have indestructible vehicles!  It is different as far as regulations on the streets. Back home you have to have your cars off the streets, here it is not the case! There are cars that you can tell have not moved since the snow started, and they are now BURRIED!
Walking back on to campus after dinner
Yes- that is ice formed on a chain!

Lizzie hanging out in the snow

Bring it on snow!
Me peeking out from behind the sign
Good show of how much snow we have- it is above my knee!


The piles continue to accumulate!

Lesson: Friendship really can be the glue that holds a person together!


  1. I think that you need to do a Cookbook.... You already have the Pics....LOL
    Love, YDO

  2. Holy cow...the snow does not look like much fun but that mushroom sauce sure looks good.

    Yo sister : )

