Day 81 – Thursday 12/1/11

Joining a gym is a big decision in America. A person joining a gym has to decide do I have time, will I actually use it, can I afford it, is it worth the cost?  Well I have now experienced that process here in Macedonia.  My roommate had decided to join a gym and asked me if I was interested in joining with her.  I liked the idea, but I began going through the list of questions, but a few were added: can I get to the gym, is it worth taking a taxi there, will I be able to communicate with the people there?  I went with my roommate last night to check it out.  Turns out I got my questions answered:
- My roommate is here during the week, I can ride with her
- When I go to the American Corner the gym is really close, so I can combine trips and taxi rides
- The owner/trainer speaks Albanian and a bit of English, but is interested in learning English- and can help me with my Albanian.
- Cost- 600 denars (about $15) buys me 12 times in a month! 
- 3 times a week- I can do that!

So I joined a gym last night! I have another person to help me learn Albanian!  It was a very productive night!

Lesson: Aerobic exercise is good for the body, good for the soul, good for the psyche, and now for language acquisition as well!! 

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