Learning English through Games club was tonight. I decided to make a big change tonight and play something that did not take cards or dice! We played Mafia! Now I do need to clarify, the Mafia game we played did take cards but only so they knew which character they were going to be. This is a game where the players are all residents of a town and the mafia has infiltrated itself into its citizens. The goal of the game is different for which character you are playing. If you are a towns person, the police officer, or the doctor, you want to find the mafia, and save the town. But, if you are the mafia, you want to get rid of everyone in the town before they find you out! It is a game where you accuse others, defend yourself from accusations and use problem solving skills to win. This game also takes the use of language more than others we have played. If you were the one accused of murder, you have to defend yourself and give an alibi! The group seemed to really enjoy this game! However being that they had to speak a great deal of English, we only played a few times before moving on to a different card game. These kids were so impressive with their creativity and language skills! Way to go boys!!
The mafia at work! |
The doctor trying to save someone while the town slept |
The town sleeps.... |
Lesson: Give people the opportunity to be creative, and you can be impressed with what they do!
Looks like a lot of fun!!!!!