Day 243 - Sunday - Belgrade 3 - 5/13/2012

Day 2 of our Belgrade journey was not as jammed with places to go. I also was not feeling well. I think I am exhausted physically and emotionally.  I am a huge supporter of change and I think that it is good for us. But it is hard on me. I think that the stress of my time here ending is starting to weigh a bit on me. But there is no time to be sick, so I refuse!

Our first stop today was to be the Nikola Tesla Museum. We walked the distance to the museum and along the way got to see some amazing architecture.  We also saw some of the buildings that still are standing and not yet renovated from the NATO bombing in 1999 during the Kosovo war.  We saw the Yugoslav Ministry of Defense building.
Yugoslav Ministry of Defense building
Yugoslav Ministry of Defense building
The Nikola Tesla musuem was founded in 1952. Nikola Tesla was an engineer, futurist and inventor. Tesla was born in what is present day Croatia during the Austrian Empire. He moved to the United States and lived in New York as well. He is said to have made large contributions to commercial electricity, electromagnetism as well as the basis of wireless communication and the radio. We were able to see several of his inventions and even some of them in action!

Wardenclyffe Tower facility

Food is a huge part of our travel plans where ever we have gone... today was Serbian Salad and Kebabs. DELICIOUS!

Our train was not to leave until 9:50 so we had some time to kill in the afternoon. We went to a coffee shop and spend, well a lot of time, reading and enjoying some beverages.  I was so excited to see an iced moca on the menu complete with blended ice!!!  It was wonderful. I think it has given me the power to wait another month for blended drinks :)

The train ride back to Macedonia was much like the train ride there. I have learned that sleeping on trains is not my favored method of sleeping. I don't know if it was that I didn't feel so good, was subconsciously worried about waking up for the boarders or what...  but I am so glad that we took this method of transportation.

Lesson:  Simple joys of life, don't seem so simple when they are gone!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Professor,
    Just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog. Especially the lessons :)
